Bando 2.O | Multi Functional Slim Wallet | Kickstarter | Slimmest wallet

2020-02-10 1


About BANDO :
If the Dash BANDO 2.0 gets funded, we will make sure everything goes according to plan to meet the promised deadlines. Projects often have trouble completing production and meeting the expected deadlines for shipment. The project could face possible challenges if the quality of the product or packaging does not meet our requirements. However, we will personally be in charge of assembling and shipping all of the pledge rewards as soon as we reach our goal. Our last project was fortunate enough to deliver earlier than expected. If the volume overwhelms us, we will get assistance from a professional post-production company. Our team is experienced and has been preparing for months to ensure that post-funding will be like clockwork when the time comes. Although we do not see any direct risks and challenges, there are always indirect or unseen tasks that may present itself during the process of productions. We hope to run everything as streamlined as possible and also ahead of schedule.